Meaningful Names – Introduction

Continuing our study of the Clean Code series, we will now talk about the importance of using the right names for our variables, functions, classes, etc. Are the names we use really that important? In one word: Yes! Why names are important Over time I have come to appreciate just how important the names we…

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Don’t be afraid of asking questions at your next meetup

Whenever I go to a meetup, presentation, etc. there is one thing that has always surprised me. People are afraid of saying that they don’t know something. What usually happens Usually at the beginning of a presentation the speaker will ask the audience if they have any experience in the topic that he is about…

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Do you like the ternary operator?

In case you don’t know what the ternary operator is and want a thorough explanation you can read this article. If you want a quick refresher, the ternary operator (?) is a very compact way to do an assignment that depends on an if-else statement. For example string result = “”; if (DoSomething()){ result =…

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Why does code have to be clean?

Have you ever tried to read someone else’s code? It can be quite an adventure. Weird variable names, functions that don’t explain what they do. Object names that don’t seem to be right. If you’ve ever had this happen to you then you know why code has to be clean. If this has ever happened…

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