Functions – Levels of Abstraction

In the previous post, we talked about the importance of functions doing one thing. We briefly touched on something called abstraction levels.  One of the simplest ways to be sure that your functions only do one thing, is to make sure that they stay on one abstraction level. Let’s try and explain this using a…

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Functions – Smaller Is Better

This will be the first post covering the topic of functions. So far, this has probably been the approach to clean code that has been the hardest for me to wrap my head around. Not because it’s difficult, but because it is opposite to the way that I have been writing functions for my entire…

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Meaningful Names – Other Tips

As a finish to the meaningful names part of our journey to produce clean code here are some other general tips mentioned in the book. Use Pronounceable Names Use names that you can pronounce. If you’ve followed the previous guidelines given, then most of your names should be clear and easy to say. Talking to…

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