Meaningful Names – Meaningful Distinctions

If we don’t give enough thought to the names we use, our code can become more difficult to understand because it’s unclear who does what. Different variables that seem to be the same In some cases, our code can be hard to understand because we don’t make meaningful distinctions when choosing names, take the following…

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Meaningful Names – Avoid Disinformation

Usually the main problem with code is that it can be hard to understand. Most of the time it’s hard to grasp what the code does because we don’t have enough information readily available. In other cases, the problem is that the code lies to us. It lies because it’s giving us information that simply…

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Meaningful Names – Intention Revealing Names

In your code, the names you choose should tell anyone reading it what you intend to do with that class, function or variable. You shouldn’t rely on comments (more about this in a future post) to explain what your code does. The importance of declaring your intention Code should be easy to read. Good code is easy…

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Meaningful Names – Introduction

Continuing our study of the Clean Code series, we will now talk about the importance of using the right names for our variables, functions, classes, etc. Are the names we use really that important? In one word: Yes! Why names are important Over time I have come to appreciate just how important the names we…

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Why does code have to be clean?

Have you ever tried to read someone else’s code? It can be quite an adventure. Weird variable names, functions that don’t explain what they do. Object names that don’t seem to be right. If you’ve ever had this happen to you then you know why code has to be clean. If this has ever happened…

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